be prepared  

Camp Yawgoog 

Local Camping Ground

The adventure continues

Summit Bechtel Reserve 

National Scout Jamboree

Boy Scouts of America

Philmont Scout Ranch

Camping, Training and More


Started in 1980



Troop Cheer "GO QUAHAUG!"

Summer campsite at Yawgoog - "Santa Fe"


community service  

Scouting for Food 

International Coastal Clean-up for Narragansett Town Beach

St. Peter's by the Sea Church - Community Food Pantry

Horses Bring Hope

Tulpe Lodge #102

Order of the Arrow 

Boy Scout Troop 2 of Narragansett 

troop 2 Narragansett   

Troop 2 of Narragansett has a long tradition of exemplifying the best of the Scout Oath and Law.  

Troop 2 meets every Tuesday night at St. Peter’s by the Sea Church in Narragansett. The parish is kind enough to let us use their hall though the troop is not directly affiliated with the church.

Our troop has traditionally been a smaller one, topping out at around 20 scouts at our highest. This is a manageable size that has allowed us to provide an equitable and personal experience for all our members, for the scouts to build meaningful and lasting friendships with one another, and for the leaders to plan and run some great outdoor adventures—all this while imparting to the boys the timeless lessons and values of Scouting. This important combination has helped Troop 2 endure for over 40 years.

The troop is proud to have had  as members Scouts from Narragansett and surrounding communities, many of whom have earned the rank of Eagle. Through service projects and volunteer work, members of Troop 2 form bonds and create new friendships while helping to support the community.         

We are always looking for new Scouts to join us on our next adventure!  

Troop 2 Narragansett, RI